EUROPEAN TRUCK AND BUS PARTS, S.A. with N.I.F. Number A67626911; Domiciled at Consorcio de la Zona Franca, Aduanera de Barcelona, Pol. Ind. Zona Franca, Calle 5, Sector C, Oficina 246, Locker D2, Barcelona 08040. Incorporated for an indefinite period of time by deed granted on 27 May 2020, before the Notary of Barcelona, Mr Salvador Farrés Ripoll, number 3640 of his protocol (hereinafter EAP) is committed to the protection of your personal data. For the purposes of this Legal Privacy Notice and Cookie Policy, Personal Data is data that can identify you, directly or indirectly, either on its own or combined with other information in our possession, or that may come into our possession; such data includes data such as your name, your location or your online identifiers.

This Privacy Policy sets out how EAP collects, uses, discloses, stores, combines, matches, adjusts, retains, transfers, deletes, adapts, discloses or makes available (Processes) Personal Data.

  • On our EAP websites.
  • When you interact with our customer service centres or otherwise request information from us.
  • When you attend EAP events.
  • When you publish a post on EAP or communicate directly with us through social media, third party applications and similar technologies.

Personal data we process

We collect the Personal Data you provide to us, both in an online context and in an offline context.

We will ask you for your Personal Data when you make purchases, create an account with us or sign up to receive newsletters with special offers, events and product updates. The Personal Data we ask you for includes your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, email address, gender, billing and purchase information (including credit card details), marketing preferences, and consumer preferences and habits.

Please note that we also link the Personal Data you have submitted to us with other Personal Data about you that EAP may have obtained in other ways, such as Personal Data collected during a visit to one of our events or your interactions with social media, third party applications, or similar technologies.

We may also process Personal Data relating to a post published by you through social media, third party applications and similar technologies.

When you visit our websites, we automatically collect the following information comprising Personal Data:

1. Personal Data:

Technical data, including the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, your login information, browser type and version, time zone settings, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform; ​

Data about your visit, including internet addresses (URLs), tracked to, through and from our website (including date and time); the products you view or search for; page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction data (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), as well as methods used to leave the page. Our websites also use cookies. For more information, please see the Cookie Notice below.

2. Purposes of the processing of your personal data:

We process your Personal Data in order to fulfil our obligations, obligations arising from the contractual relationship between you and us, including the administration of any orders you have placed, and the processing of payments. In addition, we process your Personal Data on the basis of your consent and to pursue EAP's legitimate interests.

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Register and manage your accounts;
  • Manage and help us coordinate promotional events.
  • Respond to any queries or provide the information, products or services you request;
  • Manage our accounts and records;
  • To administer our websites and help us improve our products and services;
  • Prevent or detect fraud, including fraudulent purchases or abuse on our websites;
  • Conduct research and analysis;

We process your Personal Data to personalise your experience on the Website (as described below in the Cookies section) so that we can provide you with the type of content and product offerings in which you or our customers in general are most interested, including providing you with tailored advertising; Where you have expressly agreed to this, we process your Personal Data to send you marketing communications about:

  • Product launches;
  • Information on special offers, sales and promotional information;
  • Events.

3. With whom do we share personal data?

EAP does not sell your Personal Data. Only duly authorised persons within our organisation will have access to your Personal Data for the performance of their duties to the extent necessary for the purposes described above.

However, we do share your Personal Data: 

  • With third party service providers (hosting providers, consumer services and campaign and marketing agencies) who process your Personal Data to provide support services, IT platforms and marketing services on our behalf. We ask third party service providers to process your Personal Data only as necessary to perform services on our behalf and to implement appropriate security measures for data protection;
  • With our business partners who may contact you about products and services that may be of interest to you, provided that you have agreed to this in advance.

We will also disclose your Personal Data to trusted third parties.

  • Where necessary to protect the security or integrity of our databases or our websites;
  • Where necessary in the context of legal proceedings and as a precaution against possible legal liability;
  • In the event of sale, merger, reorganisation, change of corporate form, dissolution or similar event and/or transfer of business or branch of activity, where permitted by applicable law;
  • Where otherwise required or permitted by applicable law, to the extent consistent with this Legal Privacy Notice.

If we intend to share your Personal Data with other third parties not listed above, we will always ask for your prior consent.

4. Transfer of personal data:

EAP is a global company, therefore, your Personal Data may be transferred outside the country in which it was originally collected and may be shared intra-group as well as with third parties located in other jurisdictions, including those that do not have similar data protection laws. All international transfers of Personal Data will be made in accordance with applicable data protection laws. If you are located in the European Economic Area ("EEA") or Switzerland, we apply appropriate safeguards for the transfer of your Personal Data to recipient countries outside the EEA or Switzerland in accordance with applicable law. Where Personal Data is transferred within EAP entities, we use an intra-group data transfer agreement.

Some of our global service providers are outside the EEA so when we transfer Personal Data from the EEA to our global service providers, we ensure that any transfer of Personal Data to the service providers receives adequate protection in accordance with the data protection rules; this includes verifying that the service provider is bound by an adequate data transfer agreement, has implemented binding corporate rules, or has adhered to the Privacy Shield Framework.

5. Your rights:

Data protection law gives data subjects rights in relation to the Personal Data that organisations process about them. In accordance with applicable law, you may.

  • Request access to the Personal Data we hold about you;
  • Request that we rectify or delete your Personal Data;
  • Request the restriction of the processing of your Personal Data;
  • object at any time to the processing of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes, as well as for other purposes, where there is a legitimate reason that justifies it in relation to your specific situation; and
  • Withdraw any consent given, at any time.

Please note that if you withdraw certain consents, you may not be able to use all features of the website or other websites or online services. Where technically feasible, we will assist you in exporting Personal Data that we process on the basis of a contract with you, or your consent. To exercise any applicable data protection rights, please contact us. Our contact details are set out in section 8 below.

EAP reserves the right to request additional documentation from you in order to verify your identity. If you are not satisfied with the action we take, you have the right to consult with the supervisory authority in Spain.

6. Security and conservation:

We take all technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data and follow data retention practices in accordance with applicable law.

Personal Data will be retained for the time strictly necessary for the purposes outlined in this Legal Privacy Notice taking into account any period of limitation or legal retention requirements.

7. Social platforms and links to other websites:

Our websites contain social media plug-ins, including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. If you interact with these plug-ins, your activity on our websites will also be made available to these social platforms. EAP does not control these platforms, and is not responsible for the processing of personal data that occurs on these platforms or their respective privacy policies. We therefore recommend that you read the privacy policies of these social platforms before interacting with their plug-ins on our websites. Please also read the Cookie Policy to learn more about social media cookies.

Our websites may also contain hyperlinks to other websites not operated by us. These hyperlinks are provided for your reference and convenience only and do not imply any endorsement of the activities of such third party websites or any association with their operators.

We do not control such websites and are not responsible for how they treat Personal Data. We encourage you to review any privacy policy posted on any website you visit before using the website or providing any Personal Data about yourself.

8. Questions and complaints:

Please direct any questions or complaints to the EAP Privacy Office or the Data Protection Officer.

European Truck and Bus Parts S.A.
Calle 5, sector C, Oficina 246,
Barcelona, 08040, España.

Telephone: +34 935 956 065 – Office

Office hours: Monday to Thursday: 08:30 - 13:30 and 14:30 - 18:00, Friday: 08:30 - 14:30. Saturday and Sunday: Closed.

Please note that some of the companies that market EAP products are not operated by EAP. Therefore, we are not responsible for how those companies treat your personal data.

If you have any questions or complaints about how your Personal Data is handled by a company not administered by EAP, please contact that company directly.

EAP - Conditions of use.

Please read these Terms and Conditions of Use before proceeding. If you need to contact us regarding any aspect of the following "Terms of Use" of the EAP website, please contact us directly at

By accessing the content and any of the images you will find on (referred to as the EAP website), you agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use set forth herein and you also agree to our company's Internet User Privacy Policy, which you can also access by following the appropriate link. 

If you do not agree with any of the Terms and Conditions of Use set out here for information purposes, you must not continue to use the EAP website. You agree not to use the EAP website for illegal purposes and to respect all applicable Internet and legal laws and regulations in your country.

You agree not to use the EAP website in any way that may impair its performance or manipulate any content or information that is available for public viewing on it or reduce the overall functionality.

You agree not to compromise the security of the EAP website or attempt to access any of the secure areas of the EAP website or attempt to access any sensitive information that you believe exists either on the EAP website or on the server on which it is hosted.

You agree to be fully and completely responsible for any claims, expenses, losses, liabilities, costs, including legal fees, incurred by European Truck and Bus Parts S.A. as a result of any breach of the Terms and Conditions of Use provided for in this agreement and which you have agreed to demonstrate this responsibility, by continuing to use the EAP website.

Reproduction and distribution of the content of the EAP web pages by any online or offline method is strictly prohibited. The work on the website and the images, logos, texts and other such information are the intellectual property of

Information or articles from external companies or sources will always be properly acknowledged and credited as such.

Disclaimer: We aim to provide our users with accurate information about companies and products, as up to date as possible. If you find any information on the EAP website that may be slightly out of date or incorrect, we are not responsible for the results of your use of the EAP website. 

European Truck and Bus Parts S.A. reserves the right to make modifications and/or corrections to the information on the website at any time and without prior notice.

Modification of Terms of Use: We reserve the right to make changes and revisions to our Terms of Use as we deem necessary.

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